Diara Newell Discussion Board 2- King Oedipus

719 CHORUS: Perhaps it was a sudden gust of anger

720 that forced that insult from him, and no judgment.


In this passage, the Chorus is responding to Creon’s decree that he has heard “deadly words spread” about him by the king; he has been accused of treason. Rightfully upset, Creon feels this charge is unfair and is set out on clearing his name. He says, “I do not

want to live on with the burden of such a scandal on me” (Sophocles, lines 596-598). It’s clear in this line that Creon takes this accusation very seriously and does not want to live with such accusations attached to his character. In the passage I’ve chosen, the Chorus is unsure about whose side they’re on in this conflict. They’re giving Oedipus the benefit of the doubt in his accusation of Creon. I think that the reason why Chorus will not choose a side is because they are worried about backing the wrong horse and making enemies, so they remain neutral. 

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