The Lines I would like to discuss are 1009-1013: “if a man walks in with haughtiness of hand or word and gives no heed to justice and the shrines of Gods despises-may an evil doom smite him for his ill-starred pride of heart!” This line is stating that if a […]
Daily Archives: January 13, 2022
The line I chose was from Teiresias lines 360-361 “Yes, but I see that even your own words. miss the mark; therefore, I must fear for mine.” As a prophet with visions of the future, Teiresias believes that fate is predetermined, telling Oedipus that “it will come what will.” Teiresias […]
Background: Queen, Jocasta left the conversation with Oedipus and the messenger when Oedipus’s birth is being explored among them, Jocasta feared that the shepherd will reveal to Oedipus that he is the son of Laius. After that, an old man form Thebes came into the plot. The messenger disclosed to […]