oedipus the king chorus analysis Genesis Romero

I chose the chorus in lines 471-474 which says “We look at this man’s words and yours, my king, and we find both have spoken them in anger. we need no angry words but only thought how we may best hit the god’s meaning to us.” in this point of the play Teiresias enters and Oedipus greets him by telling him how great he is and how his gift and knowledge would save them all. things quickly begin to get heated when Teiresias said he’ll just leave and save his energy for something that isn’t pointless. “What do you mean? You know of something but refuse to speak. Would you betray us and destroy the city” (lines 368-370)  Oedipus believes that Teiresias knows something but is refusing to speak up. he feels as though he is betraying the whole country by not speaking up and it becomes evident that he is growing angry with Teiresias. before you know it it’s a full-blown argument. Oedipus said “For I would have you know
I think you were complotter31 of the deed and doer of the deed save in so far as for the actual killing. Had you had eyes I would have said alone you murdered him.” (lines 392-396) He calls Teiresias complotter, assuming that he is plotting against him and their country, and even goes as far as to say he could possibly be the murderer he is looking for. Teiresias said that Oedipus is the killer he has everyone looking for. his words would be pointless because no one would believe that Oedipus would be the killer when he’s the one leading the search. after all this back and forth between the two, the chorus feels as though the arguing is useless and their main focus should be to find the actual murderer rather than pointing fingers at each other.

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