Diara Newell Hi My Name Is…


My name is Diara. My major is English and I have been attending BMCC for a year. I’m hoping to graduate by Fall 2022. After graduation, I intend to transfer to a 4-year college to get my Bachelor’s. I work full time in Strategy and Enablement at a fin-tech company and have been working from home since the start of the pandemic 2 years ago. I’m looking forward to successful academic year and completing this course with an “A”!

Diara Newell Hi My Name Is…


My name is Diara. My major is English and I have been attending BMCC for a year. I’m hoping to graduate by Fall 2022. After graduation, I intend to transfer to a 4-year college to get my Bachelor’s. I work full time in Strategy and Enablement at a fin-tech company and have been working from home since the start of the pandemic 2 years ago. I’m looking forward to successful academic year and completing this course with an “A”!

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