Welcome to Week 1

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Welcome to Week 1 of ENG 201 Introduction to Literature. This is an intensive course that will be completed in five weeks from Thursday, July 18 – Tuesday, August 20.  Be aware that you will be completing the same amount of work as you would in a regular 15-week semester, so get ready! The online class week runs from Monday through midnight Sunday. 

We will consider Thursday through Sunday (7/18 – 7/21) to be Week 1.

Please browse through the main menu above, which includes: Home, Announcements, Course Information, Help and Resources, Professor Conway, Questions, and Shared Student Essays. Please pay special attention to Course Information.

Now navigate to the weekly folders on the side menu. Click on Week 1 (Short Week), and you will see the activities we will be completing for the week. 

In COURSE INFORMATION, create a CommonLit account, Many of the course readings are found on this interactive website.


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