Course Information
This is a Zero Textbook Cost course, which uses OER (Open Educational Resources) in lieu of a textbook. All required materials can be accessed in the Weekly folders.
Please visit the Blackboard home page for your section and access the E-learning Orientation on the gray navigation panel. This is a mandatory assignment and should be completed by the end of the first week.
Click here to create an account with Commonlit. This is a zero textbook course (ZTC), and many of the assignments will come from this interactive website. Please create your student account right away so that you do not miss any assignments. Your class code is: 9RBYY57
This course is a 6-week intensive, in-person course, which runs from Tuesday, May 30, through Tuesday, July 11. Be aware that you will be completing the equivalent of a 16-week course in six short weeks. Our class meets from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. in Room 1203 in the Fiterman building. […]
The High Cost of Plagiarism Plagiarism will be dealt with firmly. A student who plagiarizes will receive a permanent grade of zero (0) for the essay or discussion in question. All essays will be submitted through Turnitin, which features plagiarism detection capability. Suspected plagiarism, even if it passes the Turnitin […]
Essay Due Dates Paragraph Writing Assignment due: Sunday, June 4 (See Week 1 for details and submission link). Essay First Draft due: Sunday, June 11 (See Week 2 for details and submission link). Essay Second Draft due: Wednesday, June 21 (See Week 3 for details and submission link). Essay Final Draft […]
How to View Instructor Comments on Written Work It is very important that you review instructor comments on your graded essays. This way you can correct errors and do better on future essays. To see your grades, navigate back to your Blackboard course and follow these steps: Navigate to Essay […]