Week 01

Woman with long braid gazing across landscape of a Spanish town
Printed with Permission of Artist Luisa Rivera

Activity 1

Read “The Handsomest Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, linked here in PDF format.
Handsomest Drowned Man

Activity 2  

Click this link to access information about the life and work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez from the BMCC library database Biography in Context..

Activity 3

This link will bring you to the BMCC library database Literature Resource Center and a literary article by scholar Dean Rader. The article is also available as a PDF file

Pink, purple and orange flowers floating on water


Activity 4

Click this link for an explanation of primary and secondary sources. The story “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” is an example of a primary source. The literary article in Activity 3 is an example of a secondary source.

Take this short quiz (for fun; not graded) on primary and secondary sources.

White fish on orange watercolor background
Public Domain

Activity 5

Please review this short PowerPoint presentation on thesis statements. Then take the quiz below.

Activity 6

Quiz 2

This is a practical 10-question multiple-choice quiz in which students must demonstrate an understanding of the form and function of a thesis statement and an ability to select good thesis statements for hypothetical essays.

Quiz will be available from 9:00 a.m. Monday, January 29  to 11:59  p.m. Sunday, February 4.  Quiz must be taken in one setting, and students have 90 minutes in which to complete it. Study materials for this quiz can be found in Activity 5 on this page.

To access the quiz, navigate to your Blackboard course. On the dark grey navigation panel to the left, click “Links to Quizzes.” Then click “Quiz 2”

Activity 7

Essay 1: First Draft due: Sunday, February 11, 11:59 p.m.
Click here for Essay 1 directions.

Be sure to watch this quick PowerPoint “How to Insert Quotes into a Literary Essay.” Do not begin writing your essay until you have reviewed this information.

When you are ready to submit, navigate back to your Blackboard course. On the dark grey navigation panel, click “Essay Submission Links.” Then click “Essay 1.”

All essays in this class must adhere to MLA format. Before submitting any written work, please review the following guides to formatting. Only correctly formatted essays will be eligible for a grade of A.

Format Matters Video

Format Illustration

Click here to review a guide on MLA citation from the BMCC online library.

Click here for grading rubric.

Hand in blue watery texture
Printed with permission of Artist Luisa Rivera

Activity 8

Click this link to access the Week 1 Discussion Board.

Click here for information about How Discussion Boards Work.