I found my Week 12 discussion on the different types of terror experienced when reading “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” compared to watching a terrifying movie to be successful. I believe I contributed well to this discussion post. However, I regret not taking the opportunity to revise my essays when I had the chance, as I could have performed better. One specific skill I developed was the ability to think outside the box. Previously, I tended to see things as they appeared, but now I feel more capable of considering different perspectives and focusing on a wider range of aspects. This has enhanced my analytical skills and overall approach to other tasks.
Discussion Boards
The terror readers feel when reading “Where Are You Going” Where Have You Been” is different from the terror of watching a terrifying movie because reading leaves things like the visualization of a character up to the reader , things like sounds and music which can set a tone or “feel” of a story is present in a movie but not in a book. Movies, scary movies in particular which are known for “jump scares” and cutaways can create feelings of emotions that books normally cant. This is the difference that I believe exists between reading the 2 stories and watching a movie.
After reading this article, I agree that there may have been some components that I missed and overlooked when I first read “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”. The main point that I received after reading this story is the illustration of how narcissistic behaviors can lead to fatal events, as seen with the grandmother wanting to take into her stubbornness and controlling behaviors that led them to the car accident. However, after reading this article, I did not spot how the grandmother gained such an epiphany or revelation the second she noticed her behaviors when they came across the Misfit. I may have overlooked the grandmother’s behavior and I haven’t given her grace myself since she was the one that was at fault for her death. But this goes to show that even though many of the selfish and controlling acts that people take now can lead to certain events, there’s still room for growth, compassion, and grace.
The sentence is too general and doesn’t have any important details or claims that support what is explained, so it fails to fully demonstrate its point. This indicates the “complexity of the human situation” and the “complicated character” of the narrator, but it doesn’t say why these things matter or how they connect to the narrative. To better it, we should be more specific and offer readers examples from the text that emphasize the narrator’s complexity and the realistic aspect of human nature that is explored in the story. This will help readers understand why and how these aspects of the narrative influence the story’s overall meaning. If I were to rewrite the sentence I would certainly write about specific aspects, the character development and the exposure of realistic human nature explored in “Araby” by James Joyce. I might also add how the narrator’s crush on Mangan’s sister shows his longing for connection and purpose, while his visit to the Araby bazaar shows his search for meaning despite feeling let down.
I think that for this easy I would focus my thesis on analyzing the variation of characters that we have in the story. I would start with Silvia which I think we can agree could be one of the main characters of the story. I would focus my opinion on the fact that she may be a good girl that is trying to not be seen as someone vulnerable. I think that her personality is a product of that behavior too. I think that I will also write about Miss. Moore because she is very important in the story too. I think that my title for this essay could be “A reality shock Story.” This could (not that is going to be my actual title) be my title for this essay. I think that can help me to explain some of what happened in this story. Maybe later I’ll come up with something better but for now, I think that could work as a title for this essay.
Reading Salvation by Langston Hughes personally I can relate because in the story he basically lied . And when I was kid sometimes I use to tell fibs and feel bad about it . Also another thing I felt was when he basically felt left out so he felt the need to lie . Stated in the story , “. I began to be ashamed of myself, holding everything up so long. I began to wonder what God thought about Westley, who certainly hadn’t seen Jesus either, but who was now sitting proudly on the platform, swinging his knickerbockered legs and grinning down at me, surrounded by deacons and old women on their knees praying. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple(Hughes).” This basically proves that he felt ashamed so he did something that he thought was right at the moment . I relate to this because as I was in school as a young kid I use to feel like I had to do things to fit in with a certain friend group .
I think Professor Conway assigned, “The Handsome Drowned Man” as our first story because it makes us think about how the people of the village see themselves, and how they see each other, and how stories like this one can change our views. This story shows us their hopes, fears, and dreams. The ladies of the village we so caring and kind to the drowned man. They also showed pity for him because he was so big, and nothing fit him! They cared enough to clean him and make him pants big enough to fit him. They used their imagination’s and made his pants out of sails. The words of this story give us imagery of how the village appeared. I think Professor Conway wants us to explore complex themes like identity and perception from this story. This is just the beginning of her challenge for us for this semester.
In what way do you personally relate to the young narrator in “Salvation” or “Araby?” I personally relate with the young narrator of ¨Salvation.¨ I believe that this narrator’s voice is more relax that the one used in ¨Araby.¨ I relate with this narrator because the way he tells the story makes you feel engaged from the beginning, that catches your attention right away and makes you want to keep reading to see what is going to happen. I relate with this narrator because he expresses the excitement of this kid of having a big experience by being ¨saved by God.¨ I think that we all can relate to having that idea of God as we discussed in class. I also relate with the way of how the young boy immediately believes everything that the older people around him say. To me, that is his way to be a respectful and ingenuine young boy.
We read “ The most handsome drown man” as our first story of the semester. I think the reason why we having this story as a starting is because in the story, there is a lot of Imaginary thinking inside the story. Everyone was falling to the another world while they are imagining. In our life, we are also falling to another world while imagining. We using this story as starting point of our course is because we are going to learn from the story, to excavate our imaginary depth. And we can get in to the story by our imaginary, as deeper we get more involved in the readings, the understanding of the story will become to deeper. To think before we write any article, to imagine how will reader think before we write down our work.
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