After reading this article, I agree that there may have been some components that I missed and overlooked when I first read “A Good Man Is Hard To Find”. The main point that I received after reading this story is the illustration of how narcissistic behaviors can lead to fatal events, as seen with the grandmother wanting to take into her stubbornness and controlling behaviors that led them to the car accident. However, after reading this article, I did not spot how the grandmother gained such an epiphany or revelation the second she noticed her behaviors when they came across the Misfit. I may have overlooked the grandmother’s behavior and I haven’t given her grace myself since she was the one that was at fault for her death. But this goes to show that even though many of the selfish and controlling acts that people take now can lead to certain events, there’s still room for growth, compassion, and grace.
I wouldn’t say that I’ve always had a bad time reading poems, but after these past two weeks, I would say that I’ve learned more about the different analyses behind how poems should be read. Poems are known for being very dramatic, yet I’ve noticed that the poems we’ve read presented different tones that helped me fully grasp the feel of emotion and setting that these poets showcase. For instance, after listening to W.B Yeats read his poem “The Lake Of Innisfree”, I quickly gained a better perspective of how a change in tone shifts an entire feel to a poem. The poem “My Last Duchess” confused me a lot, but after breaking down every single stanza during our Zoom meeting, I understood more about what emotions the poet showcased. Usually, I’m more of a listening type of person with music and such, but all in all, these poems presented to me different feelings and emotions that are showcased due to a certain tone.
I chose the quote “Literature is not only a mirror; it is a map, a geography of the mind” by Canadian poet and novelist Margaret Atwood. The quote signifies how literature can lead the mind to a deeper understanding of how writing can be interpreted. For instance, James Joyce illustrated this in “Araby” by sharing his experience of his obsession with this girl who lived next door to him and how deep his feelings were for her. He showcased how his mind formed ideas and allusions to how he could’ve won this girl’s heart by traveling to an event that she wanted to attend but couldn’t. As he was on his way to the market, he realized later on that he was doing the absolute most for this human being and later changed his mind on how he felt towards her.
This sentence in this student’s essay is a bit bland. When stating a thesis in an essay, one must share a small summary behind the story that they are writing their essay on for readers to have a much clearer understanding of what to expect when reading the essay. After the summary of the story is presented, then a valid thesis statement, breaking down how the reader views the author’s ways of presenting things can present the reader with a clear note of what to expect when reading the prompt. By what’s presented here in this thesis, readers would be a bit confused as to what this writer is referring to, as there isn’t any context behind it. If I were to rewrite this thesis, I would state my thesis as “In the story of Araby, Joyce presents how the events of an individual’s life, can create such mythical conceptions in the human mind”.
After reading the article “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, I came to feel some kind of resemblance to the young man. It’s clear to me that the young man may have been much of a people pleaser since he had to lie for others to enjoy themselves. Growing up, I have classified myself as a people pleaser due to placing the wants and needs of other individuals before myself, not because I want to gain something out of it, but because of the big love that I have for those that I care for. In this world that we live in now, everyone is out for themselves, so it is extremely hard to find an individual that genuinely wears their heart on their sleeve and expects nothing in return. This young man in this article was aware that if he were to be truthful to himself, it would affect the perspective of how the church and others would view him.
I believe that the reason why Professor Conway assigned “The Most Handsome Drown Man” as our first article to read was for us to get a glimpse of how different perspectives can play a part in people’s beliefs and understanding. In the article, everyone who came across the Handome Drown Man had a different answer or idea as to where he may have come from since they had never experienced or seen a man like him before come across their village. So everyone there came up with an idea of where this man must’ve originated from. While reading this article, has given me a meaning that as we partake in this course, lots of us are going to have different perspectives on the articles that we read from here on out.