During this semester, I’ve made significant progress in English literature, particularly in my writing, reading, and understanding of literary terms and aspects. The work I feel was most successful was my essay on “the handsome drowned man.” I believe it was successful because I received positive improvements and interest on my analysis and writing in the fiel of literature. I think I could have done better on poems, I struggled with interpreting some poems and expressing my thoughts clearly. In this class i have developed many skills that are relevant to real world experiences, my writing has become more coherent and structured which is essential for effective communication in any field, my reading skills have improved, allowing me to understand and analyze complex texts more efficiently. I have also learned to provide constructive comments on others’ work a valuable skill for teamwork and collaboration. There is always room for growth, generally speaking, I need to continue developing my reading and writing skills to improve my overall understanding and expression in English literature.
Josue Alexander Perez lucas
When I started high school after coming to the United States it was tough with my name Josue because is a rare name in the United States. On the first day the teachers said it, saying “Jo-sue?” And all various pronunciations I corrected then It’s Josue, but it didn’t bothered me, “Josue”with the accent on the middle syllable Ho-su-e. But the teachers couldn’t get it right no matter how many times I repeated it. I gave up and let them call me called me how they wanted because it didn’t bothered me at all, it turned funny in the good way at the point some professors said my name wrong knowing how to pronounced it. Even in where I come from there are two ways to pronounce it. After all I take it in the good and funny way, gives something special or different from other common names or probably is the context that I got it from. Some times I give my middle name “Alexander” when they want to called me but in a easier way.
Raymond Carver is style in “Cathedral” I experienced simplicity, minimalism style and story telling. In very concise wording such as “We ate everything there was to eat on the table.” He explores ordinary moments and emotions with a every day language making it more natural. In contrast Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s style in stories like “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” is more poetic, imaginative, and metaphorical, Garcia uses a imagery and magical realism in his story, describing the drowned man’s body as the most handsome thing the villagers have ever seeing, different and beautiful. Both writers effectively explore their profound inspiration about the human experience through their pieces. When reading the stories a have noticed that every author has their own identity when writing, every one has the unique wording, story telling, topics and ideas that are placed in their pieces as we can explore them.
The experience of fear while reading “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” differs significantly from that of watching a terrifying movie. In a movie, the visual and auditory stimuli can evoke a more immediate and intense reaction compared to reading a story. In the other hand viewers are confronted with pictures images and sounds designed to provoke a more realistic sensation of situations terror. Reading requires mental visualization relying on the reader’s imagination to interpret the events described on text. This reliance on imagination can vary among readers potentially limiting the some aspects like fear or jump-scares. When we were reading the story I wasn’t to aware of the situations in the reading, while reading the story, I found myself less aware of the situations compared to when watching a movie, this can be an effect of English not been my first language.
In my research paper I would like to explore how fairytales often can explore deep topics about life such as the absence of parental figures impacting the characters’ journeys like “Snow White” and “Hansel and Gretel”, going more messages about avarice, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger and sloth. Drawing from psychological perspectives, I would like to explore deeper into the significance of this recurring motif in fairytales. These selection reflect my personal connection to these stories from childhood, present and future. In this research i have the opportunity to analyze them dipper. Through this research I aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the psychological implications and explore the deep messages of fairytales.
Before i just to think fairytales are simple stories for kids with important messages for a good behavior. But after reading “Snow White,” my perspective changed slightly, I realized fairytales can have deeper meanings that can be useful for adults like the psychological topics of the stepmother’s actions. The focus on beauty in the story also highlights the message for society including me. the poisoned apple can be a reference of religion of Eve and the apple. One of the ending showed me that not all these stories have a happy ending as the slow death, this readings can contain darker themes and messages beyond just happily ending. These readings didn’t change a lot for me as I’ve noticed these deep messages throughout my life in various aspects like social behavior, personal reflection, movies, trends, and daily experiences. These readings serve as a clear reminder of the deep messages I’ve experienced before and present showing that such meaning can be found in each of us and our behaviors.
When I read the story I did comprehend the significance of the grandmother’s behavior towards the Misfit at the end of the story. Her calling him one of her own children seemed like a sudden change, but now I see it differently. Throughout the story, the grandmother judged people based on superficial appearances, like saying the Misfit must come from nice people, the grandmother had a selfish behavior making the family fall into the tragedy,In that moment, facing death, she showed genuine care and acceptance. It’s like she finally saw beyond the surface. After reading the article I realized the deeper religious themes in the story, like the struggle between good and evil, the grandmother’s attempts to bring the Misfit to Christ reflect Connor’s vision of redemption of the actions throwout the history. It’s tragic that she only grasps this after the tragedy of the other members. The Misfit’s past and his longing for connection with his father add layers to his character, making the grandmother’s gesture even more critic and emotional.
When Reding “Oedipus the King” had its challenges for me especially with the formal language and vocabulary used in the play. But I found it easier to follow along and understand with the help of the professor recaps and class discussions. The character I connected with was Creon, Oedipus’s brother, he plays a significant transformation in the play, which I found interesting and how he took the responsibility when becoming a king, I would choose to portray Creon because of his realistic behavior in the play. Creon is left to assume the role of king, despite the challenges and bad conditions thrown at him, Creon maintains a calm and acts rational, focusing on the stability of the people and the city’, highlighting his growth and development throughout the play. The story ends with Creon being the king and driving to stability an entire city, leading to a happy ending for him.
The Covid 19 pandemic four years ago, it was a tragic time that affected all, when Covid hit in 2020, it felt like everything turned upside down, lives were lost, fear spread through the countries and normal life stoped. Schools closed, jobs canceled, and important events were, leaving many feeling confused and scared about what would happen next. Comparing this era to “Oedipus the King,” it’s like seeing history repeat itself. The way the priest talks about the plague in Thebes sounds a lot like how people felt during Covid scared, trapped, and unsure of what to do. But while COVID brought communities together, “Oedipus the King” shows how fear and blame tore people apart, leading to even more problems. In Ecuador, where I was when Covid started, I saw firsthand how people reacted. There was panic as cases surged, and everyone was worried about getting sick.The time became unforgateble marking a before and after, even an end of practices and lives. In the chaos I saw people coming together to help each other out including institutions but it also showed how strong we can be when we stick together for a propuse.
In the last two weeks my ability to read English poetry has improved, but there still plenty to learn . Poetry helped me expand my vocabulary and understand literature better. I find difficult challenges in grasping metaphors and deeper meanings because of the vocabulary and used and way of using it in poetry. The language can be tough and I need more practice to fully understand what the poet is trying to say. I’m also working on recognizing poetic devices like rhyme and imagery. I plan to keep reading and studying poetry to get better in general. I know practice is crucial with continued practice I believe I can learn more understanding and appreciation of English poetry. As an English learner I’m always learning something new about the language and literature, that’s why I think that I had been stock because of not practice my in English in a more social environment do to almost all the people I know speak Spanish.
“Literature is painting, architecture, and music” by Yevgeny Zamyatin. He’s saying that great literature does what those other art forms do it creates imagery words in your mind like a painting, it’s well constructed and flows smoothly like a building, and it stirs up emotions in you like listening to music, and we can see that in the story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant. With his detailed writing he paints these clear pictures in your head whether it’s the fancy ball scene or the hardwork life of the character ends up living later. One thing naturally leading to the next just like how the different rooms and spaces are connected in a well designed building flowing like music, the most powerful part is how de Maupassant takes you on an emotional ride as a reader. You start out feeling that excitement and hope when the character gets to live the classy life for a night. Then you go through the frustration and sadness as her life goes downhill. “The Necklace” brings together the quote of Zamyatin when he compared great literature to painting, architecture, and music.
The sentence is too general, leaving out the actual context details, making it ineffective to communicate the author message. The description of the given sentence is ineffective lacking the real opinion of the student giving a profoundless sentence, because of the overwhelming generalization of the sentence. I will try to provide more details from the story, mentioning the characteristics of the author’s message, would offer more informative insight into the character’s development and the main themes of the human condition shown in the narrative, sharing the story main points , key scenes and moments to really communicate my ideal opinion of the story.
After devouring Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson,” I am compelled to explore the intricate development of characters, specifically Sylvia and her changing perception of her societal status. As the narrative unfolds, we witness Sylvia, initially portrayed as a confident and audacious leader, struggle with the harsh realities of her financial predicament. It is through Miss Moore is careful mentoring and thought provoking inquiries that Sylvia’s eyes are opened to the stark contrast between her own economic standing and that of her peers, highlighted by her unease in a lavish toy store. Through Sylvia’s inner musings and interactions, we are captivated by the evolution of her understanding of the profound lesson being imparted. As this critical moment unfolds, Sylvia’s realization dawns upon her that her family’s financial burdens restrict their potential. Aptly titled “Character Analysis of Sylvia in ‘The Lesson” the thorough examination delves into Sylvia’s transformation towards enlightenment and empowerment emphasizing how her character becomes crucial to the story.
In the narration of “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, I related to him since I remember my childhood when I didn’t truly believe in religion, but my family did. There was a time when at least one day a week, it was church morning with my aunts and cousins. I liked going only because there were snacks for the children, and they separated us into like grades to teach us religious things the cool thing about is that i was able to play with those kids. But my favorite part was the juice with the sandwich.
The professor selected “The most handsome drowned man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez to give an opening for the class semester, a piece that opens up the whole universe of literature in most magical way possible. The story gives a sense of reality and magic that involves a story, leading to the creation of the world created in our imagination that Gabriel Garcia Marquez illustrated for the readers. Gives an Epic adventures for us as students and readers to evoke interest for more literature pieces, turning into a journey of discovery. The story of Sebastian and the people of the village is more than a story creates an inspiration of philosophical thoughts, made by strong messages that comes out of the piece. The professor selected “The most handsome drowned man” as an invitation to dive deep into the richness of literature setting this opener to an intellectual exploration into the landscapes of literature.