“Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it” is the quotation from C.S. Lewis that I have selected. And I will be connecting it to James Joyce’s short story “Araby.” Because of the author’s use of imagery, symbolism, and lyrical language, James Joyce’s short story “Araby” transforms a simple tale of a boy’s love into a deeper investigation of teenage determination to disappointment and the loss of youth. This quotation speaks directly to that process. While reading “Araby” at first it seems to be about the narrator’s trip to a local market and the feelings he has for his friend’s sister. But later, author Joyce goes on to incorporate many symbolic meanings; Joyce uses poetic language, such as “light from the lamp caught the white curve of her neck.” Joyce used literary strategies to elevate the story above a mere description and reveal more profound human realities. Like regarding the tension between childhood aspirations and reality.
Josue Gomez
In the line provided above, I would say that it is ineffective because it is vague and does not provide any precise explanation for the complexity of the unnamed narrator’s character or how James Joyce’s in “Araby” showed the complexity of the human condition. From my perspective, It states more of an assumption without offering proof or instances to back it up. If I were to rewrite it, this is how I would do it. In “Araby,” by James Joyce, a complex figure out of the anonymous narrator who exposes the delusions of youth is created. The narrator’s romanticized feelings for Mangan’s sister are very clear, and they stand in for teenage love ideals. But when his attempt to purchase a gift fails, his dreams are finally crushed, which starts showing the difference between dreams and realities at a young age. Joyce sheds light on the common experiences of youth, He shows us a clear way of letting us see the depressing maturity some have by describing how the narrator’s dreams are crushed upon meeting the harsh realities of adulthood. This emotional journey shows the greater human complexity involved in finding a way out of difficult situations.
I believe Professor Conway assigned us to read “The Most Handsome Drowned Man” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez because it is a beautiful story that shows and introduces us to the power of imagination, creativity and to be kind and care for others. In the story the author goes to explain how the people of this small village gave this man a background story including how his life must have been like even though they didn’t know him. But this led them to rebuild the village to better suit “Esteban” and others like him, wanting to make sure anyone who passes by will smell their sweet scent of the flowers along the cliffs know it was “Esteban’s village” . If the villagers didn’t care and just let him get washed away or gave him a burial without using their imagination of how his life use to be none of these changes to the village would of happened and Professor Conway could have been showing us how important it is to be kind, Creative and to use your own brain.to imagine and be optimistic.