So, the most successful work of the semester is to understand dramas. In the beginning, I was not good at that but as the semester I started reading them, and now I can understand them better. And the thing that I think I can do more good in that is essays. Because I was always good at writing essays and suddenly what happen to me I don’t know. So, I think I could have done more good on the essays. And the other thing is understanding of story “Oedipus the King” As I rate my understanding in that story 5/10 if there are secondary sources of this story I would be able to understand this story more.This class has honed my analytical thinking, research skills, and written communication. I’ve developed attention to detail by adhering to guidelines and precision in my work. Balancing assignments and meeting deadlines has significantly enhanced my time management skills.
Harsneh kaur
In “The House on Mango Street,” there’s a vignette titled “My Name” this title resonates with my name also. My name is Harsneh and everyone pronounced it as harshneh, harsneha. During my childhood, I frequently faced situations where my name was mispronounced, sometimes unintentionally but occasionally persistently even after I corrected it. This experience was disheartening and made me feel disconnected, as though my true identity was being ignored or dismissed. Given how strongly names relate to our identities, hearing people pronounce my name incorrectly makes me feel both frustrated and disappointed. It could seem like a lack of care or attention. However, I accept that mistakes are inevitable and handle them patiently.. In my primary school, everyone pronounces my name wrongly even the teachers. That time I used to ask my family I wanted to change my name I didn’t want this name but then my family told me the meaning of the name, that my name meant to love god. Since that time I always love my name.
Raymond Carver employs a concise writing style in “Cathedral,” focusing on everyday details that carry profound emotional weight. In the story, the narrator’s initial feelings about Robert’s visit are depicted with straightforward language: “I wasn’t enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me.” This direct approach allows readers to grasp the narrator’s underlying discomfort and prejudice without extensive explanation. In contrast, James Joyce’s “Araby” features a more elaborate style with vivid imagery and introspective narration. For instance, the protagonist’s description of Mangan’s sister is filled with sensory details: “Her dress swung as she moved her body and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side.” Joyce’s use of rich language and detailed observations immerses readers in the protagonist’s infatuation and inner world. Joyce’s lyrical style and reflection allow a deeper exploration of human experiences and emotions, whereas Carver’s succinctness and understatement effectively portray feelings.
There are various ways in which the one feels fear when reading “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is not the same as when viewing a scary movie. First of all, the written word enables a more in-depth examination of the thoughts and feelings of the character, drawing the reader into Connie’s vulnerability and dread as she confronts Arnold Friend. This psychological nuance deepens the sense of dread and strengthens the reader’s bond with the protagonist.Second, literature frequently leaves certain facts up to the reader’s perception in favor of suspense and imagination. Comparing this uncertainty to the explicit sights of a movie, it can evoke a more individualized and persistent feeling of discomfort. Furthermore, the reading’s rhythm permits pauses for contemplation and suspense in between sections, thus increasing the tension. However, films may rely onscares and visual elements to give viewers a short scare, but these effects wear off fast as the scene is over. All things considered, fear in literature affects the reader in a distinctive and long-lasting way by appealing to the mind and emotions in diverse ways.
Examining the ways in which fairy tales influence gender identity and reinforce or contradict gender norms would be a fascinating topic for my research paper. This topic is intriguing because it makes it possible to investigate how stories affect how we perceive gender norms and expectations from an early age.I may examine how fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella represent conventional ideas of femininity and masculinity in my talk. To highlight alternate depictions of gender identity, I might also include stories like “The Princess and the Frog” or “The Twelve Dancing Princesses,” which challenge gender stereotypes.Through examining these stories, I can learn how literature both mirrors and shapes societal perceptions of gender, offering a complex and multidimensional perspective.I have found one article from the library that i will share in my research paper.That will explain more about the stories that I will choose and gender identity and I will try to find more articles.
My perspective on fairytales, has always been a simple story with imaginative charthat kids enjoy. In this week my opinions about fairy tail is changed after reading,especially the Snow White narrative, has undergone significant change after engaging with this week’s readings. Initially, I perceived it as a simplistic tale of good versus evil. However, through feminist analyses, I now understand it as a more intricate story highlighting societal pressures and power dynamics. The jealousy of the Evil Queen reflects deeper themes such as beauty standards and women’s challenges in patriarchal societies. Furthermore, exploring Snow White’s agency and resilience has shifted my view from seeing her as a passive victim to recognizing her inner strength. These readings have transformed fairytales like Snow White into complex narratives that shed light on societal norms, gender roles, and human resilience. They have deepened my appreciation for the richness and multifaceted nature of these classic tales.
HELLO, So,I do feel like I would have missed some things from the story if I didn’t read the essay which was the Activity 1 that professor make us read in the starting of the class to clear us the story more.Firstly,the essay delves into the Misfit’s character, revealing him as a symbolic representation of the South’s conflicted religious identity, adding layers of philosophical tension to his menacing nature. Secondly, O’Connor’s exploration of religious themes contrasts the grandmother’s superficial faith with the Misfit’s intricate theological ponderings, enriching the narrative’s exploration of morality and redemption. Additionally, the article analysis of symbolism, such as the grandmother’s hat symbolizing misplaced values, and literary techniques like foreshadowing and irony, accentuates the story’s suspenseful climax. Although I would not have understand the story better until I have read the article it helps me alot in understanding the story well.
So, I would rate my understanding of Oedipus the King as 5/10. I do not understand the play in one reading especially the old plays like these because I am not used to reading such difficult words and do not even know their meaning. I am used to reading modern plays as they have easy language usage, so it is easy to understand them. But I appreciate the Professor as during the reading of the play she explained each line and the plot and even asked questions so we all could understand that. I enjoyed reading the play but not that much because of the language usage of difficult words. If I want to play one role from this play then I will choose the character Oedipus King because of the different stories in the play, and his multifaceted nature, allowing me to delve into themes of fate, hubris, and self-discovery, making it a challenging and engaging role.
The understanding of poetry for me earlier was not so good.I struggle alot with the language and words used by the poet. But now I have increase my knowledge of reading the poetryfrom my high school. And in this week I learned a lot like the Like what the poet want to symbolize in the poetry that refreshes everything.I also read one poetry “Because I could not stop for Death,”by Emily dickson depicts Death as a gentle carriage driver guiding the speaker towards eternity. This imagery symbolizes the transition from life to death, where each stage of the journey represents different aspects of life and mortality. For instance, the slowing down at the school signifies the end of childhood innocence, while the pause at the grave symbolizes the finality of death. Additionally, the imagery of the setting sun conveys the idea of life’s conclusion.In essence, the poem conveys the inevitability of death and the acceptance of its natural progression. It presents death not as a frightening event but as a serene passage into eternity.So, I think I learned how to read the poem and how to understand its summary.1
As I think back of covid-19 days those days were really miserable for India as my homecountry where I was present that time.There were social distancing, people wear masks and there were no gathering and people were afraid to go out even if they have to buy something whereas in “Oedipus the King” the people in Thebes, the play depicts a city suffer with a deadly plague caused by curse.Comparing specific scenes, in Oedipus the King,the people of Thebes are desperate for a solution to the plague, evident in lines like “Each of you suffers in himself alone, not for himself,but for the city”. In contrast,during the Covid-19 pandemic,people faced a shared global issue,adjusting their lifestyle according to the situation.People of my countries followed the proper guidelines given by the government to protect themselves from covid-19.People in Thebes also took the measures to protect themselves from the deadly Plague.Both scenarios illustrate the complexity of navigating the balance between their lifestyles and managing their daily life.
The quote “The Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it” aligns well with “Araby” story by James Joyce as the story explores the transformative power of imagination and the impact of literature on shaping one’s perception of reality.The main character in James Joyce’s “Araby” experiences the quote in a similar way. The narrative follows the youngster as he develops feelings for Mangan’s sister, his neighbor, and his romantic aspirations skew his view of the world. His readings provide his perspective of the world a creative layer that heightens the appeal of the bazaar, Araby. The stark reality of the marketplace clashes with his expectations, demonstrating the transformational power of books in forming his thinking. The narrative emphasizes how literature affects people’s interpretations and experiences of reality in addition to describing it. Joyce examines the intricate relationship between literature and reality through the boy’s trip, highlighting how perception is subjective and how imagination shapes our understanding.
I Think the student sentence is very unclear and general, and somewhat lacks specific details because the sentence is not explaining what the author actually wants to say or how the human condition is actually complex in the story.If I had to rewrite this sentence I would write about that how did views of unnamed character changes on love and reality.After first romanticizing Mangan’s sister, his disenchantment reveals more aspects of his personality. As they accompany the protagonist on her trip, readers are forced to confront the complexities of the human condition, including the depth of desire, the bitterness of disappointment, and the process of self-discovery. Through painful moments, such as the protagonist’s revelation at the bazaar, Joyce promotes investigation into the complex facets of human emotions and goals woven within the story of “Araby.”So, i would have written these details so that the reader would know what is actually happening in the story and would get clear view of that.
If I had to write a story about this I will title the essay “harsh reality”. Like the side character Sylvia was shocked like how a person can spend a thousand of dollars on just toys as she belonged to poor family and cannot afford that toy. Even though when she asked Miss Moore that how much a real boat cost she just ignored her question and told her to look that and join back the group.Sylvia find miss moore behavior rude and was hurt. Moreover, also belong to same race from where the sylvia belongs.Miss Moore want that children should know the importance of education and how it is important for everyone like everyone cannot afford it.These are my points like why i give the title harsg reality because this is the reality of the world everyone cannot afford education, in this person is treated how much they earn and the standard of living. 1
In the story of ” Araby” by James Joyce it was around the young boy and his friend’s sister. Like how he promised that his friend’s sister whom he was attracted that he will bring gift for her from Araby bazaar. Firstly, he was just thinking about Mangan’s sister but now he started thinking about the Araby bazaar.He was so excited to go there and see because according to his thinking he thought that bazaar would be big and fancy. But one day when he went there he get disappointed by looking at the bazaar because that place normal. So, his feelings got hurt. I personally linked to this story. I ordered one dress from India. In the picture the dress looks so beautiful and pretty. SO, I ordered without even thinking of a second. When that dress arrived. Then I got disappointed because in the picture it looks good but not in real. It means when things are not upto are expectations we always get hurt,
Hello everyone, Assigning the ” the handsomest drowned man” as the first story of the course severs the various purposes. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s tale works as a masterful example of magical realism. This story introduces the power of symbolism to the students, as the arrival of the handsome drowned man profound the change and transformation of positive change within the ordinary existence of villagers. The story also shows the theme of beauty, acceptance, and the influence of extraordinary in the commonplace prompts readers to ponder how perceptions can mold reality, challenging ingrained biases and preconceived notions. The tale’s poignant allure is likely to capture students’ attention, encouraging them to delve into literature with greater depth. The story concise yet impactful nature makes it appropriate starting point for discussions on storytelling, Character development and the broader implications of nature. In summary, starting the course with this story set the stage for exploring the profound impact that literature have on human nature, social dynamics and the power of storytelling.
Hello everyone, my name is Harsneh Kaur. This is my second semester at BMCC. I am doing a Nursing Pre-requisites. I’m thrilled to be a part of this English literature class. I’ve always had a deep love for literature, and I’m particularly excited about delving into the rich world of English literature with all of you.I find that literature has a unique way of connecting us to different times, cultures, and perspectives. I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you and engaging in thoughtful discussions about the literary masterpieces we’ll be studying together. Let’s make this class a space where we can all share our insights and passion for the written word. Thank you, and I can’t wait to embark on this literary journey with you all!”