During the Covid-19 pandemic I remember people being in a constant state of worry and panic. WHO urged everyone to wear masks and gloves and limit contact with people as much as possible to limit spreading further the virus. But there was a lot of controversies about the methods used by the government to deal with the outbreak, and people were also putting blade at the government for even starting the virus, especially the Chinese government. A contrast between how the American people and the people of Thebes in Oedipus the King is an how they approached their plagues. In Oedipus the King the people turned to their government (the king) who they fully trust in to help them discover how to deal with the plague and get rid of it. “We have not come as suppliants to this altar 35 because we thought of you as a God, but rather judging you the first of men in all the chances of this life and when we mortals have to do with more that man. You came and by your coming saved our city, 40 freed us from the tribute which we paid of old to the Sphinx,7 cruel singer. This you did… it was God that aided you, men say, and you are held45 with God’s assistance to have saved our lives.” Whereas in America people weren’t really sure if they could trust what the government says, especially when it came to the virus. Another contrast is that when the Covid 19 pandemic hit health organizations were already working on health precautions to take to keep everyone safe and reduce the death toll as much as possible, whereas the people in Oedipus went to their temples acquiring of their gods on how to stop the plague from affecting them. […]