week 15 petter p

The work that I think was most successful was the flyer I made. I think making that flyer was very easy for me to understand as well as execute it well. I also think I was very successful in being consistent with the discussion board, I feel as this would be hard for me to do because I would get really busy and would not find the time to do them but here we are. The work that I could have done better in was the most recent essay, I should have done better and I know I could have done better but I choose the easy way out and got lazy while writing the essay. Some specific skills that I learned that might be relevant event to real world is reading peoples expressions and knowing what they mean. Overall the stories we have read in this class were actually more interesting than I thought they would be. I want to thank you professor for having such a good taste in stories and made my time in the class enjoyable.

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