I feel like my most successful work was when I made the poem flyer on “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. When working on this poem, I was really into it—so much that I read the poem over ten times, and each time, I found something different. I have a deep love for poetry, so this assignment really gave me a chance to explore Frost’s work. The process of diving into the poem’s themes, imagery, and repetition deepened my understanding and passion. I could’ve done better on the essay about “The Most Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Márquez. I didn’t feel like I used enough supporting evidence, and my analysis could’ve been stronger. While I enjoyed reading the story and found its themes and magical realism captivating, I struggled to translate my thoughts into a cohesive and persuasive essay. I realized I could have went deeper into the text to uncover more insights and provided more concrete examples to back up my points. Additionally, I definitely think spending more time researching critical interpretations of Márquez’s work could have helped my understanding and strengthened my analysis.
Daily Archives: May 17, 2024
I found my Week 12 discussion on the different types of terror experienced when reading “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” compared to watching a terrifying movie to be successful. I believe I contributed well to this discussion post. However, I regret not taking the opportunity to revise my essays when I had the chance, as I could have performed better. One specific skill I developed was the ability to think outside the box. Previously, I tended to see things as they appeared, but now I feel more capable of considering different perspectives and focusing on a wider range of aspects. This has enhanced my analytical skills and overall approach to other tasks.
The ability to fully comprehend the stories/poems we read was, in my opinion, the most successful part of this English 201 course. I believe that reading it in class via Zoom made it more engaging because I was able to hear it through multiple voices. I believe I could have done better on the essay. My writing has always been quite strong since high school, and I even had an achievement certificate in writing; however, in this English course, I noticed several flaws in my writing that could have been improved, so I was unhappy. Some abilities I learned in this class that could be useful in the real world are research and presentation skills. I believe having strong and confident speech/vocabulary can be really useful in real world experiences.
The work that I feel was more successful was essay 2 because I got an A-, idk how I got that grade when I usually do my work at the last minute which I need to stop doing. Another work that I feel was successful was essay 1 because it started off good for the first essay. The work I feel like I could have done better was essay 4 because I didn’t do good on that essay and I should’ve revised the essay when I had the chance. Another work I feel that I could’ve done better was on the midterm, although I passed it I feel like I could’ve done better if I actually studied for the quiz. A specific skill that I developed in this class that might be relevant to real-world experience is trying to understand other stories even though it might be difficult, you might be able to understand it now.
The work that I feel was most successful was the discussion boards. I believe that they helped me situate myself when I needed to write essays. The discussion boards helped me learn more because I was reading other classmates’ opinions and stories. With that said, I think I did really well on my essays because of the development of the discussion boards. The work I feel I could have done better was my final essay. I feel like I could have done better in my transitioning from paragraphs. The skills I developed in class that I can use in real life are how to properly reply to others’ inputs. I also learned how to dissect poems, texts, and novels. I learned how to properly input quotes into my writing and how to introduce them to readers. I learned that I need to question every paragraph in the readings in order to understand them.
To begin I want to start off by saying that I have truly enjoyed my time in this class. And really enjoyed the different genres of literature we got to explore: from short stories, to navels, to poetry, I feel my reading horizon has really expanded. Throughout my time in this class I’ve learned that patience and reading more than once is necessary to grasp an understanding of any literature. And that is a skill I can continue using throughout my journey of becoming more of a reader. Also since I am studying psychology I’ve realized that it is necessary to take things slow and not to quickly jump to conclusions. Also I’ve learned that dissecting a piece of literature bit by bit; paragraph by paragraph can give me a better overall understanding of what I am reading. Honestly I feel like I could have done better on all of my work in this class, I definitely was slacking, and I believe I could have done a lot better if I had put in more work. I’m not proud of how my essays turned out but I will use this experience to further develop my skills as a writer and reader and to do better in my next literature class. But something I can I was successful at was engaging with my classmates, that had really helped me when a reading was though, it give me new perspectives. And I hope to continue engaging more with people when I read any work of literature because I believe the more minds come together, the better our understanding will be.