Matthew-Johnson Wk 15 Discussion

So to be completely transparent, I feel in the beginning to the middle of the semester my progress was okay. I struggled a little with quizzes mostly due to rushing because as a single mother of two under seven I never have a clear full alone time to do work(there is always a need to be be fulfilled that my children feel as if its dire). With all of that aside I still feel like I was getting things done. I started to slip off when my youngest child got sick and then my mother got very ill behind her so everything went haywire. I feel my progress in the class reflects that which I can not be angry with because things happens.

I am a 80% procrastinator and a person who doesn’t like to ask for help when needed, so I always wait til the last 1-2 days to finish assignments before their due or if I don’t fully understand something I won’t ask for clarification. So I feel like I could have done better with my papers if I would have given myself enough time and ask for help when I did not understand something about an assignment.

I feel like I was the most successful when it came to my discussion post because I was able to articulate what I sometimes can not put into words.

One thing that I feel like I can take to the real world with me from the class is giving my point of view about things more easily. I feel like these discussion board post help with that for me.

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