Week 14 Petter P

One specific personal experience that is echoed in The House on Mango Street is my living situation with my family is very similar to her past homes everyone shared rooms and shares one bathroom which just sucks when you’re already late for work/school. There is never any space in the apartment to do anything like run around throw a ball or anything. Ive always longed for a home in which I can have the space to do what I want when I want to. Since there was no space in the apartment me and my brothers would get on the walls and climb the walls since the walls were very narrow in the hallway. While reading the first vignette The House on Mango Street nearly at the end when Experanza was speaking to the nun and the nun asked you live there? That question had me rethink my living situation because I don’t live in a good place just like Experanza.

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