Arely Vaquero Discussion 14

When I was reading each vignette the one that really stood out to me was ” Hairs” by The House On Mango Street. The vignette hairs resembles a lot like my family, in this vignette Esperanza describes each of her families hair type, each hair type is resembling their personality. In my family my older brother hair is short but straight and very well styled everyday meaning is an organized person, my dad hair is short to the side and always with gel meaning his life is very put together, my mom hair has beautiful brown hair, always have beautiful hairstyles meaning she is a great sweet person. This, reminded me of how Esperanza described her mom hair., and for me my hair is mostly let go frizzy meaning lazy or unorganized at times as well as Esperanza saying her hair defined her as a lazy person. It really interest me how hair defines everyone personality whiteout actually knowing a person.

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