When I started high school after coming to the United States it was tough with my name Josue because is a rare name in the United States. On the first day the teachers said it, saying “Jo-sue?” And all various pronunciations I corrected then It’s Josue, but it didn’t bothered me, “Josue”with the accent on the middle syllable Ho-su-e. But the teachers couldn’t get it right no matter how many times I repeated it. I gave up and let them call me called me how they wanted because it didn’t bothered me at all, it turned funny in the good way at the point some professors said my name wrong knowing how to pronounced it. Even in where I come from there are two ways to pronounce it. After all I take it in the good and funny way, gives something special or different from other common names or probably is the context that I got it from. Some times I give my middle name “Alexander” when they want to called me but in a easier way.