discussion 12, Vincent Maldonado

The difference between the short story “Where are you going, where have you been?” (Joyce Carol Oates)” and most typical horror movies is the way that the horror is built up. When you watch a movie, everything is in front of you. The scenes where the villain is terrorizing people, the gore, the backstories, everything can either be seen or heard. However when you read it, as in this short story, it is up to the readers imagination and interpretation of what is going on in order to really fully capture just how terrifying the situation the protagonist (or other side characters) are really experiencing, based on what is written. If you were to compare a simple horror movie like “a nightmare on elm street”, compared to the short story, the difference is that when you’re reading, there is so much more description, so much more important dialogue that really make up the whole situation, while something like a freddy krueger movie really just has the antagonist going around killing people in their dreams.

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