Hello professor. So after doing some research online for my essay, I did find quite a few articles that interest me. I want to base my essay off of the irony that occurs in these fairy tales in regards to the alternative motive behind the scenes. For instance the snow white story was a really good one but also fairy tales that have mislead us or given us a false impression on what life is to be. A story that really stuck out to me was Cinderella. Just imagine how imprisoned she felt, from her perspective if it were real life, and to how we perceived that as a young children. Our minds were so innocent we did not know other wise, so these events were often over looked.. however, this could have unconsciously molded and or shaped our minds into the way we think or it could even give some type of validation of why we think the way we do. Many psychologists did say that out adulthood is based a lot of our childhood and experiences.
Daily Archives: April 12, 2024
Examining the ways in which fairy tales influence gender identity and reinforce or contradict gender norms would be a fascinating topic for my research paper. This topic is intriguing because it makes it possible to investigate how stories affect how we perceive gender norms and expectations from an early age.I may examine how fairy tales like Snow White and Cinderella represent conventional ideas of femininity and masculinity in my talk. To highlight alternate depictions of gender identity, I might also include stories like “The Princess and the Frog” or “The Twelve Dancing Princesses,” which challenge gender stereotypes.Through examining these stories, I can learn how literature both mirrors and shapes societal perceptions of gender, offering a complex and multidimensional perspective.I have found one article from the library that i will share in my research paper.That will explain more about the stories that I will choose and gender identity and I will try to find more articles.
My ideas for my research paper are either constructing gender identities in fairy tales or vigilante feminism. This topic interests me because it is something that has always bothered me since I could remember. I was the kind of child to ask why the prince saved her or why couldn’t the princess be the hero. Gender roles are very set in the world today and it is because of the way we are brought up and taught as kids. If the only stories we are reading are the ones where the women is getting saved then that is what we will expect. If we only read stories where women are stay-at-home mothers who do not get to have any fun… then that is what is to be expected. I have found two very great articles for my essay that I will be using to help prove my case. This is a topic that should be written about more!
I haven’t thought of any ideas at the moment, but looking a the essay 4 directions I’m thinking it will focus on the fact that there is only one parent figure instead of two. I feel like this topic interests me because I’m thinking about how things might be different if both parents were present instead of one since both parents have their ways to do things differently. I’m not sure which fairy tales I might include but I think I have something in mind. I haven’t found any useful articles on the BMCC library database or online just yet because I haven’t done my research yet, but I will look into that right now to have a better plan on what I’m going to write about. This essay is based on research so I need to start doing a lot of research to support the topic I’m thinking about writing.
An aspect that I want to talk about in my research paper is the elements of feminism and moral lessons. I want to discuss this topic because to morals lesson was and still is unclear for children. For example in my preteen years I learned that the fairy tale Jack and the bean stalk was basically about doing what your parents tell you to do or you might have negative experience or outcomes from your actions. I did not know that when I first heard the story around the age of five or six. I think it was just about a young boy taking a trip to a magical land with a giant. Another example of a moral lesson that was unclear but is the same moral lesson of Jack and The Bean Stalk is Little Red Riding Hood. I think this message was unclear due to so much attention being put onto the world of the fairytale instead of the lesson,
Some possible ideas I have about my paper is potentially writing about the fairy tale of Cinderella, and the princess and the frog. The reason I chose these 2 fairy tales to specifically include and talk about is because there’s been many interpretations and adaptations to Cinderella so I would want to give my own opinion on it. And for princess and the frog I feel its quite the opposite even though there’s still lots of hidden meanings and interesting topics in that fairy tale as well. So far I havent found that many articles in the BMCC library data base that really relate to the topics I’m discussing
As a little girl and even a bit older, I’ve always loved fairy tales. It takes us on a magic carpet ride and makes us think wow I wish I was the princess, and the handsome prince will save me. The princess always gets her man, and the endings are always happy, well at least the poems I have read. The original Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales aim to teach important morals about life, and I enjoy reading them. think I will be writing my research paper about how fairytales often show that parents are missing in stories like “Snow White” and “Hansel and Gretel”. This shows situations where parents are not there when they are really needed. I want to explore the psychological reasons behind this in fairytales. While I search for a good article to support my ideas on the BMCC database, I am also thinking about using another fairytale to strengthen my arguments.