Falaq A. Discussion 10

The Grimm Brothers’ “Snow White” gave me a valuable viewpoint on the fairytale. When I was younger, I read Snow White and saw the movie, so I saw it from a different angle. It used to seem like a sweet fairytale to me. Growing up, though, and rereading works by both familiar and new authors. It seems to provide a message, that much has been observed. For instance, the stepmother hurts Snow White because she is envious. It also demonstrated the gullibility of some people, as Snow White was one example. Despite the fact that she fell into the stepmother’s trap three times, she gained insight from it. It also demonstrates the father’s absence from it. The father is never mentioned in the fairytale or seen to be shielding her in any way. The prince was the only reason she felt safe and was able to flee. Overall, this helped me grasp deeper and various points of view.

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