I think my attitude toward and about fairy tales have changed as a result of this week’s reading from playful, harmless and nostalgic to questioning, curious and deep in thought. For example, the snow-white fairytale that I think everyone saw at least once from Disney was nothing compared to the one we read in class by the Brothers Grimm. The one from Disney was very lighthearted and your ideal happily ever after. The beautiful princess finds her prince charming, and the little dwarfs were like her cute mini uncles or fairy godfathers. Now comparing that with how the Brothers Grimm portrayed the princess as very naive and what one might say a bit foolishly brainless. The prince was in some way her prince charming but fell in love with her looks instead of for who she is, and technically in the Disney movie he was the same but they kind of brushed over that part. The dwarfs in the story were kind of interesting, at first it seemed like they just found themself a free maid and then they seemed kind of caring like family but toward the end they threw me off when they were GIVING snow whites, what they thought at the time was a dead body to the prince. In the Disney snow white they were so much nicer. Now if you watch those Disney movies again you see how weird the whole concept is. When we were children, we were like snow white very naive, but as we grew older, we realized life is like the poison’s apple. It might seem very perfect and carving at first glance, but it can easily harm you with secret intent. Overall, my attitude about fairy tales have changed through this week’s reading to now looking into every detail. I […]
Daily Archives: April 5, 2024
When I used to read fairy tales when I was younger, I thought it was stories about fantasy, magic, happiness, etc., after reading this weeks story’s gave me a different outlook of what fairy tales can be about. I learned that fairy tales can teach lessons to it readers. After reading “The Little Snow White,” I want to go reread all of my childhood favorite fairy tales to get a new perspective of them as an adult. I thought the fairy tale story of “Snow White” was basically about a princess with a evil step mother and sisters and navigating life through that, but in this week reading “The Little Snow White,” The fairy tale is actually about toxicity, coming of age, and jealousy. In the story the queen was becoming older and her beauty was not enhancing with age so she became jealous of Snow White who was young and her beauty was growing more and more everyday. Snow White ran away after the abuse from her evil stepmother and had to essential grow up due to being saved by the price. To me this can also be reality for some women due to Snow White having issues with her step mother that girls/young women face today with their mother/ step mothers.
Hello professor. After this week’s readings, my attitude towards fairy tales has dramatically changed. Thanks my childhood is ruined . lol. After reading ” the Little Snow White” by Brothers Grimm, it completely changed my perception of the whole story and of any other childhood stories that I have previously read.. I don’t generally like to alter my way of thinking or my reality when it comes to things like this because that it what starts trust issues. Now, whenever I read something I am going to question the fact if there is an alternative motive behind the whole thing. In the story “The Little Snow White”, the queen was mean and vulgar, I can not imagine how this is ever and still is a children’s fairy tale book. What really stood apart from the story to me is the queen requesting a bodily organ of Snow White, but it doesn’t stop there. Her intention to engage in cannibalism was the icing on the cake for me .
My perspective on fairytales, has always been a simple story with imaginative charthat kids enjoy. In this week my opinions about fairy tail is changed after reading,especially the Snow White narrative, has undergone significant change after engaging with this week’s readings. Initially, I perceived it as a simplistic tale of good versus evil. However, through feminist analyses, I now understand it as a more intricate story highlighting societal pressures and power dynamics. The jealousy of the Evil Queen reflects deeper themes such as beauty standards and women’s challenges in patriarchal societies. Furthermore, exploring Snow White’s agency and resilience has shifted my view from seeing her as a passive victim to recognizing her inner strength. These readings have transformed fairytales like Snow White into complex narratives that shed light on societal norms, gender roles, and human resilience. They have deepened my appreciation for the richness and multifaceted nature of these classic tales.