My ability to examine and understand the play “Oedipus the king” is a 8/10. Some of the symbolism and just wording in general I can say were a little challenging for me because I couldn’t understand everything all to well, however from beginning to end I really enjoyed this story. One of the main ideas that were in Oedipus the king was this idea of free will. I liked how much of a leader and how strong willed at the beginning to the story, always one step ahead ready to go, especially during the plague. Oedipus the king ultimately ends with him fulfilling a prophecy to where he ends up killing his father and marrying his mother, a disturbing twist of fulfilling a prophecy to where even as a king he was nothing more than a pawn in a destiny that was forced upon him with no escape (I’ve always enjoyed reading literature that question things like free will), which also gives readers questions as to whether or not one can escape their destiny regardless of what choices they make. If I had to choose to be a character, it would probably be Creon, due to the fact that in the end, the sideline character gets all the benefits the main character should’ve had, without nearly as much loss.
One thought on “Discussion 8, Vincent Maldonado”
Hey Vincent I totally get where you’re saying from “Oedipus the King.” While I’d rate my understanding a bit lower at because of the vocab used and the language at the time or even the translation of the play, I also struggled with some of the symbolism and wording. But like you I was hooked from start to finish the exploration of free will was a big theme for me too. Oedipus’s strong leadership and the twist of him fulfilling the prophecy were really thought-provoking, Creon’s character also caught my attention.