I would rate my ability to read and understand Oedipus the king is a good 8.5/10. The parts of the act that were very straightforward were the easiest part that I could understand. When their were parts hat the Chorus would elaborate made it also easy to understand what is happening at that point. The hardest part while reading this act were the metaphors that they would use to describe a feeling or situation, and difficult language that I have to go back and reread a couple times In order to understand what was happening. I really enjoyed reading this act but this act needs to be reread a couple times to really understand the situations, at first it was getting boring but the more I was reading this act it got more and more interesting that I wanted to read more and more. I would want to portray Oedipus in the act because he was the main character and a strong character in which we see how his traits has changed throughout the play, I would like to act with passion and anger like Oedipus.
Daily Archives: March 20, 2024
I would rate my ability to read and understand Oedipus the King, as mildly efficient. I understood the beginning very easily, but the ending got very confusing. I did enjoy reading the play because it is different and interesting. However, the elements of Oedipus towards the end were very confusing. This was confusing because the lines got shorter and harder to comprehend. When we were in class and we broke down the lines, understanding every word and part of the lines helped with my confusion. If I could pick a character to portray if I had to be in a production of the play, I would be Creon. I would choose him because he seemed content with what he had. Unlike Oedipus, who was very short-tempered and oblivious to his own murder. I think the best character was Creon, even if I had to become King, I would still choose Creon. He would be a good leader and be happy.
When Reding “Oedipus the King” had its challenges for me especially with the formal language and vocabulary used in the play. But I found it easier to follow along and understand with the help of the professor recaps and class discussions. The character I connected with was Creon, Oedipus’s brother, he plays a significant transformation in the play, which I found interesting and how he took the responsibility when becoming a king, I would choose to portray Creon because of his realistic behavior in the play. Creon is left to assume the role of king, despite the challenges and bad conditions thrown at him, Creon maintains a calm and acts rational, focusing on the stability of the people and the city’, highlighting his growth and development throughout the play. The story ends with Creon being the king and driving to stability an entire city, leading to a happy ending for him.