When Covid-19 started, it was like the whole world had changed. Everyone was scared to go outside, go to public places, etc. I remember sitting on a bus or going on the train how everyone was so scared to even be near each other. And things like social media only made it 100 times worse. With the amount of stuff popping out on the news all over the world about covid-19, the vaccines, politics, etc. all caused problems for everyone. To this day there are still people that are so paranoid that they separate in public area much like before and refuse to stand close to each other. Its become so normal that even when it comes to sitting in areas its almost second nature to have space between each other, something that wasn’t so big to do before Covid. In “Oedipus the king” this is very similar to real life due to how everyone was so scared of the plague they experinces and no one knew what to do.
Daily Archives: March 17, 2024
thinking back to the times during covid I remember everyone being distant and cold to each other due to fear of getting sick. day-to-day life was also more complicated and doing something simple like getting groceries took longer because of safety precautions. Having to stop our daily lives and having to focus on remaining safe is also somewhat of what the citizens in Oedipus the King had to go through as well. In the story, the citizens are told to stop praying and to focus on a cure instead. however, I do believe there are obvious contrasts between our epidemic versus the one in the story. This is because the story takes an unexpected turn and it gives us a plot twist revealing that the person who caused the epidemic was the king himself. comparing that to COVID-19 there wasn’t any sort of plot twist or one specific person in power that caused the epidemic to begin with.
after two weeks of reading poetry i think i would rate my ability to poetry like a 5. me personally im still not a a big fan of it but i some what understand some of their meaning. for example one of the poems i did understand was the poem my last duchess . its about the Duke of Ferrara’s character through his speech about a portrait of his deceased wife. in some ways i feel like i could be better at is to know what devices the authors are using in their poems. like in the poem the mother and we really cool i had a real tough time on what literary devices and techniques they used in the mother. then in the poem we really cool i couldnt figure out what was the meaning and theme behind the poem. a way to get better is to practice it more then i have been
I would rate my ability to read poetry a 7. I say a seven because even though I like poetry sometimes poets use of language gives me a hard time understanding their poems. For example the poem titled “Shall I compared thee to a summer’s day?”, I had trouble understanding due to the language Shakespeare used. Line 2 of the poem says, “Thou art more lovely and more temperate,” due to the European language that was used. Another thing that I struggle with when reading poems is the use of imagery and relating to the poet. Sometimes if I cant relate to the poet I cant imagined or use my imagery to see what the poet is saying figuratively. If I can overcome these things I think it will strengthen my ability to read and understand poetry. In middle school and high school I did not know knowing all of these things would make me understand poetry better but since reading poetry these last two weeks, improve my ability to read and understand poetry a lot more.
I would rate my ability to read poems a bit better than before these two weeks. If before I was like a 5/10 in reading poems i think it went up to a 6. The ways I think I can be better is identifying the figurative language that is being used in these poems. Also I still think poems are really difficult to understand and I feel like poems are very exaggerated, why use such complicated ways to talk about a lake. “And evening full of the linnet’s wings.” what does this even mean like come on there was definitely something else you can put there. I also just find some poems kinda dumb like Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost hes just talking about a stop he made in the woods while riding his horse somewhere. I just dont think Im ever gonna be at peace reading poems.
My ability to read poetry after the past two weeks has improved a bit. I have become more familiar with certain terms such as imagery, some of the poems we read have opened up my imagination and I could vividly feel or even envision what the speaker is writing about in their poems. Although I still struggle with understanding some of the text when it’s written a certain way it feels a bit tricky to comprehend the meaning behind certain stanzas. I also still struggle reading slowly and reading a poem the way it should be read, sometimes I read it like a run on sentence instead of pausing the way I should and that plays into me getting confused. I do enjoy reading certain poems because of the feelings they’re capable to invoke like sadness or joy but some of them use certain words that leaved me feeling puzzled.