Richard Boateng Discussion 6

I wouldn’t say that I’ve always had a bad time reading poems, but after these past two weeks, I would say that I’ve learned more about the different analyses behind how poems should be read. Poems are known for being very dramatic, yet I’ve noticed that the poems we’ve read presented different tones that helped me fully grasp the feel of emotion and setting that these poets showcase. For instance, after listening to W.B Yeats read his poem “The Lake Of Innisfree”, I quickly gained a better perspective of how a change in tone shifts an entire feel to a poem. The poem “My Last Duchess” confused me a lot, but after breaking down every single stanza during our Zoom meeting, I understood more about what emotions the poet showcased.

Usually, I’m more of a listening type of person with music and such, but all in all, these poems presented to me different feelings and emotions that are showcased due to a certain tone.

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