week 6 ye fang

In the past two weeks, we’ve focused on better understanding the meaning of poems. I’d say my ability to get poetry is halfway there. Poetry has always been a big hurdle for me in learning English. It’s hard for me to fully grasp the meaning behind the rhymes and the deeper messages. Also, figuring out what the unclear words in poems are supposed to mean is tough for me. So, usually, after I read a poem, I still don’t quite understand what it’s all about. But, I’ve found a way that helps. If I think of myself as part of the poem and read it out loud over and over, it starts to make more sense. This approach makes it easier for me to understand the poems. Before, poems felt like a puzzle I couldn’t solve. Now, by reading them out loud several times, I start to see what the poet might be trying to say. It’s like the poems speak more clearly to me this way. This new method has really changed how I see and understand poetry, making it a less daunting part of learning English.

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