Week 7 Discussion by Aaron H

During the Covid-19 pandemic which was now 4 years ago, a lot has transpired during that year. In the year 2020, when covid struck it hit like a bomb leading to millions of deaths of loved ones, no outside contact for months, police brutality, people acting out towards each other in fear of catching covid, schools shutting down, and for me personally and many others the robbery of my graduation. In comparison of the action/events that happened during covid to the reading ” Oedipus the King”, the priest says this line ” A deadly pestilence, is our town, strikes us and spears us not, and the house of Cadmus is emptied of its people while black Death grows rich in groaning and in lamentation”. This line from the priest is similar to how people were feeling during covid. During covid, people started to become fearful and paranoid of catching covid or getting their families sick. It was also a time that people started to have mental health problems, feeling trapped in their homes while also scared to go outside. For a lot of people Covid felt like a time of uncertainty and never knowing if we would recover from this pandemic, which caused a lot of problems for our nation and communities.

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