In my opinion I rate my ability to read poetry a solid 8 0ut of 10. I’m not a big poetry reader but the poems we read for class were quite interesting and good refresher to reintroduce myself into poetry. To improve my poetry reading ability I can start by reading the poem twice in row, paying attention to the rhythm and emotion, pausing when I come across unfamiliar words. These are all things I need to incorporate when I am reading different works of poetry. I don’t usually read poems or poetry but after reading the poems assigned like “The Mother” I started a newfound interest in poetry. This poem I actually read 3 times because I was able to feel the emotion of the poet. This poem was also a fairly easy poem to understand and find the meaning. Gwendolyn Brooks poem is describing a mother who chooses an abortion, who thens goes through the emotions and thoughts of what could of been memories of having a child.