Week 2 Discussion

When reading the story “Araby” I see how this boy has a crush on this girl but doesn’t; feel enough for her to like a kid like him. I can sort of relate to this story because during my 9th grade year I always admired this guy who was In 10th grade. Everyday going to school when the bell would ring I would see him walking through the same hall as me going to my next class. I never had the courage to actually speak to him, I always had that mindset of no one ever wanting me and not feeling enough for someone. Everyday I tried to “impress” him with the way I dressed but noticed he never looked at me which I felt invisible. Later on I heard stories of the type of person he was which made me feel different, he was way different from what I expected. It was disillusionment, ever since that day I lost all interest in impressing a person because you never know how they really are.

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