When reading poetry I had always had trouble understanding what it is about. The wording that authors use when writing poetry always gets me confused. After these past weeks my understanding of poetry has became semi easier to understand. I have learned to break it down by each line and pay attention to every wording they use, sometimes it can be difficult but recalling paying attention it gets easier. I feel like poetry has grabbed my interest again, and made me want to read more poems because now I know how to understand poetry more better. I am not the best at reading and understanding poetry yet but I do know these ways in trying to understand. I think I need more practice with the wording they are using to write poetry, and also more patience trying to figure out each meaning of every sentence. I also need work on paying attention, every stanza has a bug meaning to the story.
Daily Archives: March 12, 2024
During the Covid-19 pandemic which was now 4 years ago, a lot has transpired during that year. In the year 2020, when covid struck it hit like a bomb leading to millions of deaths of loved ones, no outside contact for months, police brutality, people acting out towards each other in fear of catching covid, schools shutting down, and for me personally and many others the robbery of my graduation. In comparison of the action/events that happened during covid to the reading ” Oedipus the King”, the priest says this line ” A deadly pestilence, is our town, strikes us and spears us not, and the house of Cadmus is emptied of its people while black Death grows rich in groaning and in lamentation”. This line from the priest is similar to how people were feeling during covid. During covid, people started to become fearful and paranoid of catching covid or getting their families sick. It was also a time that people started to have mental health problems, feeling trapped in their homes while also scared to go outside. For a lot of people Covid felt like a time of uncertainty and never knowing if we would recover from this pandemic, which caused a lot of problems for our nation and communities.
In my opinion I rate my ability to read poetry a solid 8 0ut of 10. I’m not a big poetry reader but the poems we read for class were quite interesting and good refresher to reintroduce myself into poetry. To improve my poetry reading ability I can start by reading the poem twice in row, paying attention to the rhythm and emotion, pausing when I come across unfamiliar words. These are all things I need to incorporate when I am reading different works of poetry. I don’t usually read poems or poetry but after reading the poems assigned like “The Mother” I started a newfound interest in poetry. This poem I actually read 3 times because I was able to feel the emotion of the poet. This poem was also a fairly easy poem to understand and find the meaning. Gwendolyn Brooks poem is describing a mother who chooses an abortion, who thens goes through the emotions and thoughts of what could of been memories of having a child.
When reading the story “Araby” I see how this boy has a crush on this girl but doesn’t; feel enough for her to like a kid like him. I can sort of relate to this story because during my 9th grade year I always admired this guy who was In 10th grade. Everyday going to school when the bell would ring I would see him walking through the same hall as me going to my next class. I never had the courage to actually speak to him, I always had that mindset of no one ever wanting me and not feeling enough for someone. Everyday I tried to “impress” him with the way I dressed but noticed he never looked at me which I felt invisible. Later on I heard stories of the type of person he was which made me feel different, he was way different from what I expected. It was disillusionment, ever since that day I lost all interest in impressing a person because you never know how they really are.