In the story Oedipus the King, the people in the story went through a plague and tried to find a solution . Like in lines 68-82
“I pity you, children. You have come full of longing,
but I have known the story before you told it only too well. I know you are all sick, yet there is not one of you, sick though you are,
that is as sick as myself.
Your several sorrows each have single scope and touch but one of you. My spirit groans for city and myself and you at once.
You have not roused me like a man from sleep;
know that I have given many tears to this, gone many ways wandering in thoughts, but as I thought I found only one remedy and that I took. I sent Menoeceus’ son Creon, Jocasta’s brother, to Apollo,
to his Pythian temple,*
that he might learn there by what act or word I could save this city. This quote relates to Covid 19 and what was going on with the Americans because when Covid 19 started they quickly started looking for a solution to solve the problem for the sickness/disease that were killing people off . It caused great panic and that’s why guidelines had to be followed to prevent the spread .