Discussion 6

I would say my ability to read poetry is still average, but I have the skills I need to improve my reading comprehension as well as my ability to understand a poem on a deeper level. For example, re-reading a poem a few times to be able to grasp every little detail of a poem, because they are short due to poems being so short a lot of details get glanced over but after re-reading a few times you can catch new details you’ve missed, and begin to understand the poets meaning of a poem clearer. This was one of my weaknesses in poems because I would skim quickly through them and at the end I would be confused and completely lost but if I practice re-reading and breaking down the poems I believe I would begin understanding poems better than before, for example, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost where I was completely confused but after the class went on I began to understand that the person literally stopped to take in the sights of the forest but he still has a long way to go to reach his destination.

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