
In the compelling short story “Araby” by James Joyce, the author encourages readers to examine the intricate character of the nameless narrator and the complexity of the human condition.

Instead of complimenting or critiquing the author’s book because we already know it’s a good book, I would skip that part and go straight into the book’s name or the author’s name. Next I will explain more … like how does the author encourage us the reader to examine the character ? or why do we even need to examine the character ?How does examining the character help us figure out or connect with the complexity of the human condition?
    With the revising it should maybe look something like this…

       In the short story “Araby” by James Joyce the author introduces the nameless narrator and the main character of the book is a very complicated and detailed thinking person. Throughout the story the author encourages the readers to examine the character and the overall complexity of the human condition by using the characters inner dialogue in an attempt to understand the charterers thoughts, and feelings throughout the story

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