In the compelling short story “Araby” by James Joyce, the author encourages readers to examine the intricate character of the nameless narrator and the complexity of the human condition.
Please answer the following 2 questions:
What is ineffective about this sentence?
How might you rewrite it in a way that offers specific details that would be informative to a reader?
In all honesty, the line does not offer any information regarding the manner in which the author demonstrates the complexity of the nameless individuals or the way in which it makes it difficult. I have a feeling that if I were to write this in a different way, I would preserve everything that is in this line, but I would add a transition word that would lead into me talking about cases where the author displays the complexity of the nameless character. After that, I would either supply direct quotes or paraphrase the cases, and then I would follow up with an analysis that is connected back to the claim that I made initially.
In the compelling short story “Araby” by James Joyce, the author encourages readers to examine the intricate character of the nameless narrator and the complexity of the human condition by showing the character in a constant battle between desire and reality vs fantasies. This can be see when….
One thought on “Jahnay Butler DB4”
Jahnay, I like how you used some of the words of the original sentence in your more specific rewrite. I still think I’d delete the part about “the human condition.”