Discussion Board #4- Sanaya Kosanovich

This sentence lacks any personality of the story being talked about in this essay. It is a very general sentence and could be about any story. It also has the word compelling, which I think is an unnecessary addition to the sentence. The sentence doesn’t give the characters’ names or any description of the complexity of the human condition in this story. The sentence also doesn’t give an example or explanation of what the reader is examining about this no named character. Reading this sentence my questions would be; Who is this intricate character? What are we examining? What about the complexity of the human condition? What condition is this?

If I were to rewrite this sentence, I would give details to the characters and provide their name. I would describe the human condition and why that is important. I would also take out compelling from the first part because I think that’s an opinion and that should be left up to the reader. In addition, When referring to the author I would use their last name.

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