Vincent Maldonado, discussion 2

I personally relate to the young narrator in “salvation” very much. This is because growing up, my mothers side of the family (which is the one I lived with) were very religious. Every single Sunday they used to always take me to church, and I also grew up in a very lively church that always sang a lot, did a whole bunch of praising the lord, and didn’t end until the choir and pastor felt like it should be over. Just like the young narrator, when I was little and I used to go to church a lot (I still sometimes go but not very frequently), I also hesitated to run up to the altar because I was so young I had no idea what was going on, and some of the people inside of the church reacted very similarly to the young narrators family, They didn’t necessarily cry, but heavily questioned me although I was just a child and wondered why I wasn’t doing what everyone else was doing.

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