Celine Ghany Final Discussion

Of all that we read this semester, ‘On Her Own Work’: The Element of Suspense in ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find.’” had the most meaning to me and it was one I enjoyed reading this semester. My mind tends to drift off and I zone out sometimes while reading something. However, when this was assigned to read for class, it kept me intrigued and invested in what will happen next. The twist of events and how things turned out for the old lady and her family, followed by sudden choices and the ending kept me on track and I truly enjoyed it. I enjoyed House on Mango Street as well. Certain vignettes were relatable in terms of “never finding a home”, to live in a place that is not so great and the living conditions aren’t the best, and the narrator’s perspective on life.

The reading that was my least favorite was Oedipus. Though it is great story and Oedipus finding out about his fate and the true state of his life was a great twist of events and plot of the story, I read this in senior year of high school. To be able to receive it as a reading was memorable for me. However, I had remembered what happened as I first read it in high school, so the events weren’t surprising or shocking to me.

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