Dasia Alexander Discussion 16

“The Family of Little Feet” was the vignette that shocked me since it portrayed the girls in the story as both confident and vulnerable at the same time. The girls wore their high-heeled shoes and went out into the world in search of freedom and adventure, but they were also aware of the dangers that come with being a young lady. It amazed me how willing the girls were to take chances and have fun despite the possible consequences of their behavior.

“Red Clowns” was the vignette that grabbed my interest since it had examples of symbolism that had me thinking about the story’s significance. The red clowns symbolized the demands put on women to be cheerful and entertaining, even when they may not feel that way. The clowns’ red paint also made me think about how society regards women’s feelings as too emotional or illogical. The story raised many issues for me regarding women’s roles in society and the expectations placed on them.

“The Three Sisters” vignette caused me to be a little puzzled since it was loaded with metaphors and symbols that I didn’t completely comprehend. The three sisters symbolized different phases of life, but I wasn’t sure what the colors they wore or the goods they carried meant. The vignette left me confused and interested.



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