Because the pressure around him made him lie, He was very ashamed and restless all the time. I think he is an upright and honest person. He will reflect on his behavior and ask himself whether it is right to do so? We often encounter such examples. For example, my parents always say “ learning is very important. If you don’t study, you can’t find a good job. You have to review your homework.” I said yes, I will do it but in fact I will not, I will play games but I will also reflect on myself, is it right? I would also think, why do people have to study and work? The lifestyle of many rich people is to lie on the beach, but I can play on the beach now, so what is the meaning of my study and work?
2 thoughts on “Zhouyi Wang Week 3 Discussion”
Hi Zhouyi! I strongly agree with you that the pressure made him lie and that towards the end of the story he did feel very ashamed of himself. Also my parents are somewhat like that, my mother is always telling me to attend classes and get good grades because at the end it would pay off and sometimes I get lazy and tend not to go to classes or not do assignments and then I would reflect on myself, I started to ask myself questions like what do I want to do in the future.
Zhouyi, I like to hear more of this interesting response. Are you saying that it is all right to misrepresent yourself as long as you are aware and reflective about this? I agree that the narrator is an upright and honest person. Interestingly, he comes to perceive that the people around him have not been so honest. Maybe the most important show of his honesty is his admission at the end that he no longer believes in Jesus. We know that the narrator is an adult looking back on a painful childhood experience, but the gentle humor in the story contains no bitterness. The narrator has reflected on the situation and is able to tell the story with irony and compassion. Please do not check any boxes under “Category Sticky” when you post. Leave that to read “Select a Category.” If you don’t, the instructions are shifted from the first-place position. Thanks!