Amalia Lima Final discussion

It is very difficult to say which of the readings I liked the most, since there were a lot of interesting texts that made me think about many topics. However, I can say that most of all I was hooked by the stories devoted to the problem of  woman position in society. “Wife” “The Story of an Hour” is very capacious and filled with emotion and meaning work touched me the most. Just as interesting was the article about the real cult of femininity. Therefore, I would rather single out the 9th week as the most important for me, probably because this topic is a burning issue to me. Another reminder of what place we occupy in society, and we are in general.

And I can’t help but mention two stories that keep me in great tension: “a good man is hard to find” and “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”. In these stories, I was struck by the plot, and how it kept me in suspense throughout the entire reading process, and in the second case, I can say that I haven’t experienced anything like that for a long time, it’s even hard to describe.

If we talk about the story that caught on the least, then probably it will be  “Araby”. Partially, probably, because I basically like stories in which I can associate myself with someone, in which topics close to me are raised, although this probably reveals me as a slightly narrow-minded person, but still. I can’t say that I was imbued with the existential problems of this boy.

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