Week 16 Discussion Vaman

  1. The vignette from “The House on Mango Street” that surprised me was “The Family of Little Feet” because the girls’ experience with the shoes is both intriguing and difficult, highlighting the demands society places on young girls to live up to strict and sometimes unattainable aesthetic standards.
  2. One vignette that I found intriguing was “Alicia Who Sees Mice” because emphasizes the challenges that a lot of young women experience when trying to accomplish their objectives and pursuing their goals, particularly in areas where engrained stereotypes and gender norms still dominate. Esperanza talks about her neighbor Alicia, who despite being terrified of the rats that live infest her house, studies late into the night. Alicia’s willpower and fortitude in the face of her worries are remarkable, and her motivation to further her studies and better herself is motivating.
  3. One vignette that puzzled me was “Laughter” because when Esperanza recalls of a day when she and her brothers were enjoying themselves in a garden when they unexpectedly heard laughing coming from an upper floor window. The children began to laugh uncontrollably despite not understanding what was so amusing since the laughter was so contagious. Many questions remain unanswered by the vignette, including who was laughing, why they were laughing, and what the laughter may mean.

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