Discussion 16 Omar Aly

Surprised: The vignette “Born Bad” surprised me as it depicts a young boy who is mistreated and abused by his family due to his supposed “bad” nature. It was shocking to see how normalized this mistreatment was, and how quickly people were to judge and condemn this child. This vignette highlighted the damaging impact of societal labels and the need for compassion and understanding towards those who may be struggling.

Intrigued: The vignette “Meme Ortiz” intrigued me as it depicts a boy who has a strange fascination with keys and eventually becomes known as “the key man.” This vignette spoke to the power of symbols and the ways in which they can shape our identities and perceptions of the world. It also highlighted the importance of finding meaning and purpose in our lives, no matter how unconventional it may seem to others. 

Puzzled: The vignette titled “Four Skinny Trees” left me puzzled as it depicted Esperanza’s connection to a row of skinny trees outside her house. It was unclear what these trees symbolized or what significance they held for Esperanza. Perhaps they represented resilience in the face of adversity, or the longing for connection and community. This vignette highlighted the power of nature and the ways in which it can provide comfort and inspiration in times of struggle.

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