James Terry Discussion 16

Surprised, Intrigued, and puzzled.

I was puzzled by “Gil’s Furniture Bought & Sold” because reading this vignette, I was lead to believe that this item would have been bought and cherished by Esperanza or her sister. The way the story hones in on this one music box. The way the store was described was is if there was really nothing of much value in there. As the story came to a close, I realize there was much value in the music box as Gil say’s it’s not for sale

I was intrigued by “Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark”. This man is obviously dedicated to his family, head of the household and the one everyone is relying on. So Esperanza has never seen him in this emotional state, as many times you don’t have the space to be emotional when you’re in those leadership roles. This vignette brought a human side to her father, and gave her view of his emotional moment.

“The House on Mango Street” surprised me because even though it was an improvement from where this family lived prior, it was still not was Esperanza expected. The house still had flaws, and lacked adequate rooms and bathrooms. It just goes to point out the importance of being content. There will always be bigger better houses, but it’s a home when you live and create memories there, Which is exactly what happened in this house. Who knows what could’ve happened if they actually did hit the lottery.

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