Vaman Dass Discussion 15

This was an interesting piece to read. In “The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales” Bruno Bettelheim presents a psychologically oriented analysis of fairy tales, saying that they are effective tools for assisting kids in navigating the emotional obstacles of growing up.

Bettelheim’s analysis stands out by his emphasis on the significance of fantasy and imagination in the emotional development of children. He states that fairy tales help children to work through difficult emotions and ideas in a secure and controlled setting, and that the use of magical aspects and archetypal characters may assist kids in making sense of their own inner worlds. This is especially so in Sexton’s poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” which reimagines the story’s arc in a darker, more sexually charged light. Sexton’s use of bright, visceral language and graphic images assists in her to approach forbidden issues and emotions in a more authentic environment.

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