Identify the author and the literary work you are focusing on for your research essay. I am using the short story by Toni Cade Bambara “ The Lesson” Please share the actual word-for-word thesis statement of your research essay in your post. She is outstanding among the group of kids because she realizes that she needs to change in order to break out of the cycle of poverty she lives in. Explain what specific kind of secondary source information you feel will support your thesis. The specific kind of secondary information I am using is literary critique and the short story by Janet Ruth Heller “Toni Cade Bambara’s Use of African American Vernacular English The Lesson”. to support my message because it discusses and will back up my character’s main focused traits and also the language that’s been used in the story. Identify the BMCC databases you have explored to date and what the results have been. While exploring in the BMCC Database I came across multiple source and different answers and reasons for thing such as articles, poems, books, speech and a lot more.
Daily Archives: March 31, 2023
1. Identify the author and the literary work you are focusing on for your research essay. I am focusing on the literacy work “The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez for my research essay. 2. Please share the actual word-for-word thesis statement of your research essay in your post. . The drowned man’s physical appearance throughout the story which leads the people from the village to question his life and create different stories about his character.The story they create convey deeper themes of life, death, beauty, and acceptance. 3. Explain what specific kind of secondary source information you feel will support your thesis. I think that the secondary sources that will help support my thesis is the Authors Biography because the author was also grew up in a small town in Columbia, and had always been famous for his imagination and story telling abilities which I do think might have reflected in this reading.Another source that i can possibly use is by looking for articles that would discuss the villagers reaction to the drowned mans beauty and how that would give me a better understanding of the meaning of the story. 4. Identify the BMCC databases you have explored to date and what the results have been I have used the Jstore data base and found a biography on Gabriel Garcia Marquez,I also used the Academic Search complete database and found a really good article on Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his point of view on telling stories and his dreams.
For the most recent class we were task to write our first draft. The story I chose to use as inspiration was “The Lesson” by Toni cade Bambara. The story perfectly hit on many points that I use even in my life and was the perfect choice for ne to write about. The thesis of my story was Life is situational if you want to change your situation you have to go beyond your imagination to achieve your goals nothing is given but all is earned. A secondary source I used to help support my thesis was a literary critique. The literary critique I used to help support my thesis was from JSTOR and it gave a lot of information about Toni Cade Bambara and her upbringing as a Harlem born author who chose to embrace the language of her culture and community. She used that to convey a strong message of empowerment in her story as if she had something to prove.
My essay is centered around “The Lesson” By Toni Cade Bambara. My Thesis: Cade uses the theme of Inequality to showcase the unique reactions of African American children when confronted by the harsh reality of economic disparities in America. I feel like a Literary critique would be the best secondary source to support my thesis. I’ve looked through JSTOR, Short Story Criticism online, and Gale Literary Resource Center which are all found in the English and Literary section of the BMCC library database. I avoided essays that delve too deep into stories that are not included in my essay but most of the listed sources provide similar bodies of work. I found Gale Literary Resource Center to be most helpful as I found a Biography/Literary critique that I’m satisfied with. It includes information about the life of the author and what inspired Bambara to write stories about the struggles African Americans go through, usually in their adolescence. Along with the life story the writer includes critiques of Toni Cade Bambara’s stories.
1. Identify the author and the literary work you are focusing on for your research essay. For my research essay, I will be focusing on “The Most Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 2. Please share the actual word-for-word thesis statement of your research essay in your post. “The short story “The Most Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez explores themes of mystery, reflection and magical realism by engulfing the readers in a concept so strange it can only be described as a dream.” 3. Explain what specific kind of secondary source information you feel will support your thesis. I will be using a literary critique written by Rena Korb on “The Most Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” for the secondary source information. This will support my thesis because she discusses García Márquez’s use of magic realism. 4. Identify the BMCC databases you have explored to date and what the results have been. I have explored OneSearch and Gale Literary Sources. OneSearch did not provide any articles in specific reference to this literary work but Gale Literary Sources proved to be more helpful in finding the specific critique I was looking for.
The short story I will be using is “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara. 2. The children and parents all laugh at Miss Moore, but she is actually an important character in the story and provides these children with knowledge they are not getting in the community where they live. 3. The secondary source that I found to be help is an article titled “Toni Cade Bambara’s Use of African American Vernacular English The Lesson” by Janet Ruth Heller. This article will help me back up my information as Vernacular English is the form of Black speech that distinguishes itself from standard English with its unique grammatical structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. 4. In the BMCC databases I found many different articles, books, short stories and much more about anything you want to find. They have great examples to relate too and even have a section where you can pick the certain class to help you even better.
Identify the author and the literary work you are focusing on for your research essay. Please share the actual word-for-word thesis statement of your research essay in your post. Explain what specific kind of secondary source information you feel will support your thesis. Identify the BMCC databases you have explored to date and what the results have been MY RESPONCES: The literary work I will be focusing on is “Salvation “by Langston Hughes. Exact Thesis: Through character analysis, the author paints a picture of the young boy to be innocent and trusting; his naiveness is expressed more perceptibly and clearly through his experiences. A specific kind of secondary information I have found and can use is a biography on the author, Langston Hughes. Digging deeper into the life of this American Poet will help me support my thesis is numerous ways. In regard to BMCC databases, I have so far explored the direct link of activity 6, week 3. I also have explored the BMCC literature resource center. However, I still have a little more exploring to do to see what the best source is to use for my research essay.
Identify the author and the literary work you are focusing on for your research essay. “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World,” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Please share the actual word-for-word thesis statement of your research essay in your post. “The story illustrated the power of imagination and creativity as the villagers create a life story for a dead man they never knew.” Explain what specific kind of secondary source information you feel will support your thesis. The literary critique is the secondary source of information that will support my thesis. Identify the BMCC databases you have explored to date and what the results have been. I’ve explored the JSTOR database, short story criticism Online, and the direct link posted under our week two lesson, which we covered on “The Handsomest Drowned Man” that had the PDF of the literary critique and the Biography of Gabriel Garcia Marques. I’m still researching and haven’t decided what’s the best fit.
For my research essay, I will be focusing on Toni Cade Bambara, and “The Lesson”. My thesis word for word is: The narrator’s change in voice from the beginning of the story and towards the end demonstrates her determination to not be defined by her childhood. For the secondary source information, I decided to use a literary critique written by Rena Korb in reference to “The Lesson”. The reason why I chose this is because she gives an in-depth analysis of the characters in the story as well as background information on the time period and how it connects to the development of the characters. This can support my thesis because I am focusing on the development of Sylvia based on her environment. So far, I’ve looked into the BMCC Literature Resource Center, and I used the direct link posted under Week 4 when we covered “The Lesson” that had the PDF of the literary critique.
There are many examples of different types of irony in the story as the narrator expresses his critical attitude to the first religion experience and to religion in general, makes clear that people don’t see the reality behind “the veil” of religion. Literary Critique and biographical articles will be used for the research essay. They will lead to deeper understanding of the author’s experience and treatment to religion, and how these feelings are represented in his works. JSTOR and Gale literature databases were used for searching the second sources. Three articles were chosen as the secondary sources for inquiring. “Looking for Langston: Themes of Religion, Sexuality, and Evasion in the Life and Work of Langston Hughes”, “The Embodied Freedom of Langston Hughes“ and “Religion in the Poetry of Langston Hughes”. These works disclose author’s experience and worldview, including religion. The parallels in his works towards religion can be found. And generally the author’s experience which is described in “Salvation” can be treated as a forerunner of his future treatment to religion.