Rashad Greaves Discussion 6

“For whoso slew that king might have a mind To strike me too with his assassin hand. Therefore in righting him I serve myself

This passage reflects Oedipus’ sense of duty as a king to seek justice and to protect his people, but it also reflects his personal motivation to protect himself. Oedipus is aware that if the murderer of King Laius is not found, he himself may be the next target. In this way, Oedipus’ search for the murderer serves a dual purpose: to protect his own life and to uphold justice for the sake of his people. The passage also suggests a deeper message about the interconnectedness of humanity. Oedipus recognizes that the murder of King Laius not only affected the royal family but also had repercussions for the entire city of Thebes. In seeking justice for the king’s death, Oedipus is serving not only his own interests but also the interests of his people. Overall, this passage conveys a message about the importance of acting with a sense of duty and responsibility towards others. It reminds us that our actions have consequences and that we are all interconnected in ways that we may not always realize.


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