Raiza Mallol Discussion 6

When I was younger and teachers would give Greek Mythology to read, I really enjoyed it. I always enjoyed reading things people went by, or believed in, in the past-like Greek Mythology. I was pleased to read “Oedipus the King”. I will admit it was a slow start but as I continued reading, it picked up and I found myself intrigued in the play.

Lines 993-1008 state:

“May destiny ever find me pious in word and deed prescribed by the laws that live on high: laws begotten in the clear air of heaven, whose only father is Olympus; no mortal nature brought them to birth, no forgetfulness shall lull them to sleep; for God is great in them and grows not old…But I pray that the God may never abolish the eager ambition that profits the state. For I shall never cease to hold the God as our protector.”

I have chosen this passage because in my opinion it demonstrates how powerful is their feeling and belief in their god. They recognize him as their protector and will have the utmost respect for him regardless of anything to come. They put him first and see to him as their creator, and believe that he lives in them timelessly. This passage stood out to me because it portrayed how strong their belief was and how regardless of what was happening, or what was to happen, they still had faith and hope- which was inspiring.

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