Kemol Mott discussion 6

The chorus just sang a prayer to the gods Zues  Apollo Athena Artemis describing the horrors they are going through during the plague. They beg for forgive from the gods saying that no one is surviving not even woman and children the Chorus go on to say that the woman can not produce babies because of this plague that is bringing disease and killing everyone. The theme of the plague by the chorus is to make it be known that it is only death and more death that is going on. “Death so many Death” 203-204 the chorus is using the plague and all the dying to try to gather pity and sympathy from the gods they want the gods to spare them.  The Chorus wanted to be cured of the plague but was very afraid of what they would have to do in return for having the gods help them. “First I call on you, Athene, deathless daughter of Zeus and Artemis  earth upholder” “Our sorrows defy number all the ships timber rotten there are no children and no woman giving birth You may see them one with another, like birds swift on the wing quicker than fire speeding away to the coast of western god”. The chorus describing the plague to the gods.

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